Max Bassin

My name is Max Bassin, I am a 22 year old drummer from Brooklyn, New York. Growing up in New York learning to play the drums is a tall task.
Not having endless time to play on an actual drum kit (due to noise complaints). I had to get creative when learning my instrument. I played for many years on pillows with big headphones. This definitely stunted my growth as a drummer, however learning through listening is still something I do to this day, and is a skill I wouldn’t have otherwise developed. Growing up, I listened to lots of Zeppelin, Nirvana, Queens of the Stone Age, etc. As I’ve gotten older I’ve gone deep into jazz, funk and other classic rock that has heavily influenced my playing style. Drummers like Keith Moon, Morgan Simpson and Greg Saunier, have changed the way I think about the instrument, and my approach. Drums have always been there for me, and I’m glad to say that I can do it professionally!
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